Debunking ERISA’s Big Lie that BlackRock LifePath Investment Performance is “Deplorable”

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Morningstar has issued a public report debunking the claims in the eleven lawsuits alleging that plan fiduciaries committed fiduciary malpractice by failing to switch out of BlackRock LifePath target-date funds (TDFs) in favor of higher performing investments.  New 401(k) Lawsuits Go Too Far | Morningstar  The Morningstar report conclusively refutes any claim that BlackRock LifePath […]

When Should Sanctions Be Imposed in ERISA Class Actions?

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By Daniel Aronowitz A federal district court has imposed $1.5 million in sanctions against the Schlichter Bogard & Denton LLP law firm and its co-counsel for “recklessly” prosecuting an excessive fee case under section 36(b) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 without credible factual or legal support against Great-West Capital Management.  Sanctions are a […]

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