Fiduciary Liability Insurance Handbook

We Wrote the Book on Fiduciary Insurance

The Definitive Guide for Fiduciaries
& Employee Benefit Plan Advisors

Although not required by fiduciary law, most employee benefit plan fiduciaries realize that they need Fiduciary Liability insurance. But many plan officials do not pay adequate attention to the quality of their Fiduciary Liability insurance protection. Buying decisions are often based on the lowest premium amount or name recognition of the insurance carrier. Like the underlying liability, however, Fiduciary Liability insurance is complex, and deserves important consideration to ensure that the plan and its fiduciaries are protected in the event of a claim.

The purpose of the “Fiduciary Liability Insurance Handbook” authored by Daniel Aronowitz, President of Encore Fiduciary, is to explain the ins and outs of Fiduciary Liability insurance and provide a practical guide to ensure that plan officials obtain the best possible protection for their funds and to protect against their own personal liability. While it is not intended to replace the advice and representation of an experienced Fiduciary Liability insurance broker or outside counsel, we hope that this handbook serves as a useful reference.

Key Topics in the Fiduciary Handbook Include:

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